The Everlasting Man

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've committed to reading a shelf-full of books this year. I chose them from amongst the dozens -- aright, hundreds -- of books that we own that I've never read. I specifically asked myself, 'what are the books that I want to have read?' I guess that's sort of my motto this year: what are the things that I want to have accomplished? I've learned that there are lots of things that I want to do and there is an altogether different set of things that I want to have done -- not in the passive sense of having them done to me, but in the past tense of having done them. For me, reading has always fallen into this category. I wasn't a reader growing up; and even though I attended an awesome liberal arts college (and got decent enough grades), I really didn't thrive academically because I didn't enjoy the act of sitting down and reading. In fact, it wasn't until graduate school that I felt like I ever totally comm...