"Speirs, Get in There!" Some Thoughts on Leadership

Are good leaders born or formed? Earlier this month I had an opportunity to spend some time speaking with some school leaders from around the diocese. I was supposed to give a talk on creating a culture of conversion at our schools, which is a topic near and dear to me. But as the day of the talk drew closer I found myself being drawn in two very disparate directions with what I wanted to do with my allotted time. My thoughts eventually coalesced into a simple equation. To create a culture of conversion you need two things: 1. People who have experienced conversion and value it as a pearl of great price 2. People who want to do whatever they can to lead those in their spheres of influence to the joy and freedom of conversion As I noodled on a method for articulating my equation, I tried to come up with something concrete to give to the leaders in both categories. Knowing full well that God alone can effect conversion -- and not wanting to take for granted that my audi...