"And Treasured" -- Thoughts on virtue, holiness and grace

Over the past week we've had four snow days from work, which means I haven't been to my office in a week now! Coincidentally, none of the four snow days have actually been prompted by snow -- last week's trio of days off were caused by the polar vortex and today's by a solid half inch of ice. Inclement weather aside, the unexpected time home has been a very welcome and well timed gift for our family. Last Wednesday was John Paul's third birthday and I was able to spend the arctic triduum with the JP's birthday right in the middle. During our time together, we've been working our way through A.A. Milne's incredibly delightful Winnie the Pooh books. The delightful prose and charming characters have colored what has been a welcome mid-winter staycation of sorts. We've also said about 30 Masses and laid roughly 3,500 miles of wooden train track. The absolute highlight -- and perhaps the all-time highlight of my brief career of fatherhood to date...